
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Mafo city Santiago de Cuba Cuba 20.28 -76.26 390 87285
Mafo city Equatorial Guinea 1.39 10.46 2509 1043
Mafo city Maputo Mozambique -26.63 32.75 108 745
Mafo city Niger Nigeria 9.12 5.58 830 5571
Mafoca city Boke Guinea 9.94 -13.92 0 2686
Mafoday city Southern Sierra Leone 8.10 -12.78 68 5811
Mafodi city Southern Sierra Leone 8.32 -12.68 75 4222
Mafodi city Northern Sierra Leone 9.11 -12.64 252 4366
Mafoegoja city Indonesia 0.74 127.41 830 55919
Mafoematiti city Indonesia 0.65 127.42 830 32938
Mafoetifa city Indonesia 0.67 127.37 830 23698
Mafoewa city Papua Barat Indonesia -3.08 133.77 3 13
Mafoewn city Papua Barat Indonesia -3.08 133.77 3 13
Mafoftima city Northern Sierra Leone 8.97 -12.88 124 10630
Mafoibana city Northern Sierra Leone 8.66 -12.45 223 17897
Mafoibinta city Northern Sierra Leone 8.62 -12.64 22 172
Mafoiyemba city Northern Sierra Leone 8.60 -11.79 830 4471
Mafoka city West Sepik Papua New Guinea -3.09 141.92 262 596
Mafoko city Central Botswana -22.71 27.49 3349 298
Mafoko city Northern Sierra Leone 8.46 -12.13 249 5931
Mafokovo city Antsiranana Madagascar -13.26 49.82 830 1788
Mafokoya city Northern Sierra Leone 8.36 -12.43 226 5916
Mafola city Western Area Sierra Leone 8.29 -12.96 59 24358
Mafolie city United States Virgin Islands United States 18.35 -64.93 406
Mafolo city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -7.19 17.95 2673 2086
Mafoluku city Lagos Nigeria 6.55 3.33 127 1652298
Mafoma city Benguela Angola -12.65 14.42 3500 894
Mafomba city Tana River Kenya -2.34 40.16 62 5244
Mafomedes city Vila Real Portugal 41.23 -7.79 915 14311
Mafomghèt city West Cameroon 5.81 10.98 3658 4917
Mafona city Northern Sierra Leone 9.25 -12.08 830 3882
Mafondo city Northern Sierra Leone 8.69 -12.36 252 11941
Mafongo city Southern Sierra Leone 7.98 -12.30 111 3919
Mafoni city Borno Nigeria 11.85 13.15 1007 332823
Mafoni city Northern Sierra Leone 8.42 -12.57 206 4683
Mafonike city Northern Sierra Leone 8.92 -12.06 351 33716
Mafonike city Western Area Sierra Leone 8.30 -13.03 108 53374
Mafonko city Sedhiou Senegal 13.03 -15.92 101 3964
Mafono city Equatorial Guinea 1.41 10.63 2043 3753
Mafonti city Northern Sierra Leone 8.76 -12.39 203 16218
Mafonti city Northern Sierra Leone 8.87 -12.49 137 10265
Mafoota Airstrip airport 18.37 -77.89 948 0
Mafoqi city Somalia 1.10 44.02 3 2410
Maforabineh city Northern Sierra Leone 8.65 -11.40 1017 3863
Maforay city Northern Sierra Leone 8.88 -11.95 830 16397
Mafore city Northern Sierra Leone 9.05 -11.97 239 4638
Maforera city Manica Mozambique -20.42 33.16 830 3423
Maforga city Manica Mozambique -19.11 33.69 1870 34765
Mafori city Northern Sierra Leone 9.25 -12.43 147 6015
Mafori city Northern Sierra Leone 8.99 -11.92 364 6540
Mafori city Northern Sierra Leone 8.88 -11.95 830 10054
Mafori city Northern Sierra Leone 8.76 -11.81 830 5519
Mafori city Northern Sierra Leone 8.54 -12.46 190 6585
Maforika city Northern Sierra Leone 8.88 -11.82 830 3593
Maforika city Northern Sierra Leone 8.82 -11.97 298 6933
Maforki city Northern Sierra Leone 8.69 -12.49 275 26577
Maforo city Niger Nigeria 10.80 5.60 1207 3874
Maforobe city Northern Sierra Leone 9.03 -12.94 65 9892
Maforouge city Latibonit Haiti 19.64 -72.95 203 28538
Maforouget city Latibonit Haiti 19.64 -72.95 203 28538
Mafosa city Northern Sierra Leone 8.69 -12.48 249 25634
Mafosa Bana city Northern Sierra Leone 8.68 -12.48 141 24107
Mafota city West Cameroon 5.11 10.67 3494 2235
Mafote city North East Botswana -20.25 27.28 3667 933
Mafotela city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -10.39 24.83 3690 2384
Mafou city Lac Chad 13.40 14.78 938 661
Mafou city Mayo-Kebbi Ouest Chad 9.28 14.59 1138 5811
Mafou city Estuaire Gabon 0.19 10.01 13 0
Mafou city Lagunes Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) 5.99 -4.05 246 7296
Mafou city Sud-Ouest Burkina Faso 10.47 -3.12 830 5654
Mafoubou city Niari Congo -4.14 12.66 987 41773
Mafoubou city Niari Congo -3.26 12.60 830 298
Mafoudou city Niari Congo -4.14 12.66 987 41773
Mafoufou city Far North Cameroon 12.29 14.56 987 3790
Mafouka city Pool Congo -4.33 14.75 1669 16045
Mafouka city Ogooue-Ivindo Gabon 0.77 12.97 1062 0
Mafouka I city Ogooue-Ivindo Gabon 0.83 13.50 1669 0
Mafouka II city Ogooue-Ivindo Gabon 0.98 13.95 1702 13271
Mafoula city Lekoumou Congo -2.91 13.61 1998 447
Mafoula city Lekoumou Congo -2.81 13.62 1998 442
Mafoulou city Pool Congo -4.38 14.00 1669 972
Mafoulou city Centre-Nord Burkina Faso 13.21 -1.37 980 9186
Mafoulso city Far North Cameroon 12.68 14.35 935 2072
Mafoundou city Sud Cameroon 3.07 10.52 872 1030
Mafoune city Segou Mali 12.79 -4.36 1026 2682
Mafounâdich city Hodh ech Chargui Mauritania 16.19 -7.57 830 149
Mafousi city Pool Congo -4.54 14.54 1981 1937
Mafoussi city Pool Congo -4.54 14.54 1981 1937
Mafow city Anhui China 31.57 116.08 314 6448
Mafoworad city Nigeria 7.12 4.62 830 20235
Mafoya city Northern Sierra Leone 9.21 -12.55 187 3870
Mafoye city Northern Sierra Leone 9.01 -11.89 830 6223
Mafoyoka city Northern Sierra Leone 8.80 -12.08 265 8682

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