
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Madil city Warrap South Sudan 9.01 28.16 1669 6258
Madil Khel city Zabul Afghanistan 32.16 67.54 6709 1043
Madil'kheyl' city Zabul Afghanistan 32.16 67.54 6709 1043
Madila city Rajshahi Bangladesh 24.64 88.76 32 129648
Madila city Harjumaa Estonia 59.10 24.32 206 848
Madila city Uttar Pradesh India 27.15 80.16 830 67165
Madila city Mali 12.95 -9.65 971 4754
Madila-Tshisenga city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -5.75 22.79 2509 2387
Madila-Tshisenge city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -5.75 22.79 2509 2387
Madilabye city Central Botswana -23.04 26.30 3756 894
Madiladig city Ilocos Norte Philippines 18.23 120.57 95 57354
Madiladig city Ilocos Norte Philippines 18.25 120.57 49 45592
Madilana city Fianarantsoa Madagascar -20.97 47.40 4189 7269
Madilane city Inhambane Mozambique -21.81 33.87 830 447
Madile city Inhambane Mozambique -23.25 35.13 383 7633
Madile city Gaza Mozambique -22.91 33.22 200 149
Madilengcun city Shaanxi China 38.69 110.49 3349 2384
Madili city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) 3.88 26.91 2043 149
Madili city Guangdong China 24.30 115.75 830 46381
Madiligama city Central Sri Lanka 7.28 80.50 1689 128009
Madiling city Guangdong China 24.07 112.98 830 17358
Madilinggang city Guizhou China 26.66 105.31 5328 25284
Madill city Oklahoma United States 34.09 -96.77 830
Madilo city Limpopo South Africa -24.92 29.52 3576 5020
Madilogo city Central Papua New Guinea -9.20 147.56 2509 596
Madilu city Antioquia Colombia 6.14 -75.54 8389 143747
Madilu-Shamba city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -5.51 21.36 1774 2235
Madil’kheyl’ city Zabul Afghanistan 32.16 67.54 6709 1043

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