
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Katpada city Odisha India 18.68 82.33 1807 18029
Katpada city Odisha India 18.64 82.47 2791 16067
Katpadi city Karnataka India 13.28 74.75 32 68796
Katpahar city Bihar India 26.40 87.44 183 65771
Katpaleik city Sagaing Burma 24.21 96.36 275 135226
Katpalli city Andhra Pradesh India 17.21 81.36 403 15180
Katpalon city Punjab India 31.03 75.85 830 124119
Katpana city Pakistan 35.32 75.58 7549 7450
Katpanbok city Sagaing Burma 24.08 95.42 931 3874
Katpar city Balochistan Pakistan 29.06 68.20 354 4735
Katpar Sharif city Balochistan Pakistan 29.06 68.20 354 4735
Katpawi city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.75 126.98 154 54487
Katphal city Maharashtra India 18.24 74.62 1912 32133
Katphala city Rajasthan India 24.42 76.47 990 11431
Katphali city Rajasthan India 24.42 76.47 990 11130
Katpok city Shan State Burma 21.67 98.93 4199 405
Katpudipalem city Andhra Pradesh India 16.65 80.56 42 63740
Katpur city Khulna Bangladesh 22.91 88.91 9 122355
Katpur city Gujarat India 21.52 72.72 26 6119
Katpur city Gujarat India 21.06 71.79 0 45251
Katpur city Pakistan 33.76 73.84 5213 6407
Katpura city Uttar Pradesh India 29.08 78.31 830 116367
Katpura city Uttar Pradesh India 28.92 78.30 830 67719
Katput city Farg`ona Uzbekistan 40.33 71.32 1669 12831
Katpya city Shan State Burma 23.86 96.81 990 745

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