
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Hyoram city Gangwon Korea, Republic of (South) 37.20 128.98 3349 27491
Hyoram-dong city Hwangnam Korea, Dem. Peoples Rep. of (North) 38.26 125.53 830 27445
Hyorang-ni city Gyeongnam Korea, Republic of (South) 35.10 128.35 895 19472
Hyori city Hamnam Korea, Dem. Peoples Rep. of (North) 40.18 128.52 19 27047
Hyori city Jeonnam Korea, Republic of (South) 34.64 126.81 9 9043
Hyorim-ni city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.67 126.76 55 17803
Hyorimi city Chungbuk Korea, Republic of (South) 36.32 127.83 830 7593
Hyoro city Aomori Japan 41.25 140.36 328 1890
Hyorong city Gyeongbuk Korea, Republic of (South) 36.15 128.58 830 5603
Hyorongdong city Jeonnam Korea, Republic of (South) 34.98 126.77 39 27387
Hyorye city Jeonnam Korea, Republic of (South) 35.09 126.75 85 128944
Hyorye-dong city Hwangnam Korea, Dem. Peoples Rep. of (North) 37.90 126.62 154 13559
Hyoryong city Gyeongbuk Korea, Republic of (South) 36.15 128.58 830 5603
Hyoryŏ-dong city Chagang Korea, Dem. Peoples Rep. of (North) 40.65 125.80 1669 4963

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