
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Hugadi city Karnataka India 13.90 75.21 2043 10114
Hugai city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.26 76.15 7050 298
Hugalavalli city Karnataka India 13.72 75.29 2509 18652
Hugalia city Rajasthan India 26.15 74.19 1236 22648
Hugaluru city Karnataka India 14.97 75.97 1893 23739
Huggigadde city Karnataka India 14.44 74.74 1669 14900
Huggiyam city Manipur India 11.83 77.45 1669 20180
Hugh Chak city Uttar Pradesh India 27.72 81.48 400 47599
Hughes Town city Andhra Pradesh India 17.41 78.50 1669 2225088
Huginmane city Karnataka India 14.42 74.80 1702 14900
Hugli city West Bengal India 22.91 88.40 6 146270
Hugom city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.80 75.20 5426 42626
Hugāl city Himachal Pradesh India 33.09 76.39 10908 1340

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