
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Del Khera city Uttar Pradesh India 28.12 79.85 830 51140
Del Pandirua city Uttar Pradesh India 27.76 80.20 830 45064
Dela city Uttar Pradesh India 26.47 80.81 413 75425
Dela city Himachal Pradesh India 32.19 76.10 2001 22461
Dela city Uttar Pradesh India 26.14 81.40 360 59845
Dela city Uttarakhand India 28.96 79.41 830 90089
Dela city Gujarat India 23.18 73.75 354 38113
Dela Nagla city Uttar Pradesh India 28.87 78.55 830 86520
Dela Purwa city Uttar Pradesh India 26.38 81.88 318 74409
Delag city Himachal Pradesh India 31.23 77.02 3349 16305
Delag city Himachal Pradesh India 31.26 77.11 4189 18000
Delag city Himachal Pradesh India 31.34 77.22 5029 18476
Delag city Himachal Pradesh India 31.40 77.30 5948 18468
Delag city Himachal Pradesh India 31.41 76.77 1735 40639
Delaha city Bihar India 24.80 84.99 328 473870
Delaho city Bihar India 24.57 84.66 830 53044
Delakhari city Madhya Pradesh India 22.43 78.62 1804 9370
Delakheri city Madhya Pradesh India 23.72 78.07 1669 15369
Delampādi city Kerala India 12.59 75.28 830 36964
Delan Khera city Madhya Pradesh India 23.54 79.63 1151 14453
Delang city Odisha India 20.06 85.75 72 70923
Delantabettu city Karnataka India 13.03 74.85 134 215317
Delanwari city Maharashtra India 20.61 79.85 830 30996
Delanwāri city Maharashtra India 20.43 80.19 830 12677
Delaora city Madhya Pradesh India 24.67 80.73 1072 30746
Delaori city Madhya Pradesh India 24.66 80.73 1053 30374
Delara city Maharashtra India 19.82 78.58 830 20104
Delari city Chhattisgarh India 22.00 83.34 830 27040
Delasera city Uttarakhand India 30.43 79.62 13428 1778
Delath city Himachal Pradesh India 31.34 77.54 5104 23488
Delau city Uttarakhand India 30.64 77.81 5029 19095
Delawari city Madhya Pradesh India 22.89 77.52 1669 11232
Delbar city Uttar Pradesh India 26.00 82.08 265 85516
Delchi city Madhya Pradesh India 23.49 76.09 1669 23082
Deldar city Rajasthan India 24.52 72.87 971 23264
Delg city Himachal Pradesh India 32.49 75.99 5869 25364
Delgadwa city Uttar Pradesh India 26.83 82.29 285 81380
Delgaon city Himachal Pradesh India 31.26 77.73 6814 42982
Delgaon city Madhya Pradesh India 22.07 76.11 830 19306
Delgi city Himachal Pradesh India 30.99 77.03 3651 35442
Delha city Madhya Pradesh India 24.22 80.81 1210 60642
Delha city Uttar Pradesh India 26.08 82.24 301 76694
Delha city Uttar Pradesh India 26.66 82.61 252 108873
Delha city Uttar Pradesh India 26.83 83.15 219 43060
Delha city Madhya Pradesh India 22.44 80.17 1669 30508
Delha city Jharkhand India 24.09 84.26 830 40455
Delhaniyān city Uttar Pradesh India 25.17 82.88 196 49140
Delhi city Delhi India 28.65 77.23 830 2270613
Delhi city Madhya Pradesh India 24.73 81.33 830 35909
Delhi city Madhya Pradesh India 24.63 81.58 1010 47639
Delhi city Madhya Pradesh India 24.64 81.58 1003 47141
Delhi Cantonment city Delhi India 28.60 77.13 830 1187392
Delhi Newydd city Delhi India 28.60 77.20 830 1246695
Delhi Noa city Delhi India 28.60 77.20 830 1246695
Delhi Paharganj city Delhi India 28.64 77.22 830 1763099
Delhi Sabzimandi city Delhi India 28.67 77.21 830 2128181
Delhio city Delhi India 28.65 77.23 830 2270613
Delhiya Nû city Delhi India 28.60 77.20 830 1246695
Delhiyo Newe city Delhi India 28.60 77.20 830 1246695
Delhua city Bihar India 25.27 83.99 229 91075
Delhua city Bihar India 25.07 83.98 272 59283
Delhupur city Uttar Pradesh India 25.83 82.39 278 89918
Delhupur city Uttar Pradesh India 25.64 82.63 272 134634
Delhwa city Uttar Pradesh India 26.61 82.73 252 111900
Delhūpur city Uttar Pradesh India 25.75 81.94 269 75792
Deli city Himachal Pradesh India 31.05 77.49 6709 15031
Deli Dhunga city Uttarakhand India 29.65 78.86 2020 14777
Delibandh city Odisha India 19.47 83.74 830 11073
Deliānwāli city Punjab India 30.45 74.85 830 53146
Delkhera city Uttar Pradesh India 27.93 80.19 830 56965
Delkuna city Uttarakhand India 29.48 79.61 5869 7793
Dellium city Delhi India 28.65 77.23 830 2270613
Dellium Novum city Delhi India 28.60 77.20 830 1246695
Delmens city Andhra Pradesh India 18.33 80.68 1699 5166
Delmens city Andhra Pradesh India 18.32 80.68 1699 5101
Delmāra city Rajasthan India 24.61 72.72 4189 32830
Delna city Uttarakhand India 29.84 77.79 856 61267
Delni city Jammu and Kashmir India 32.68 74.92 1230 178352
Deloch city Gujarat India 23.04 73.84 830 57202
Delol city Gujarat India 22.63 73.50 367 73518
Delora Kalan city Maharashtra India 20.32 80.06 830 13018
Delora Khurd city Maharashtra India 20.31 80.07 830 13074
Delowra city Madhya Pradesh India 24.55 80.97 1007 25213
Delpet city Madhya Pradesh India 21.92 79.34 1965 15199
Delpur city Uttar Pradesh India 28.62 79.35 830 46063
Delpura city Uttar Pradesh India 26.32 79.24 830 35760
Delpura Kanna city Uttar Pradesh India 29.43 78.38 830 67178
Delpura Nannu city Uttar Pradesh India 29.43 78.40 830 74443
Delsar city Gujarat India 22.86 74.27 944 145710
Delu city Himachal Pradesh India 32.94 76.16 8389 7185
Deluho city West Bengal India 24.36 87.87 164 108249
Deluwa city Madhya Pradesh India 25.90 78.60 830 37248
Deluāna city Punjab India 29.89 75.41 830 23851
Delvāda city Gujarat India 20.78 71.05 39 41242
Delwa city Rajasthan India 28.28 73.96 830 5427
Delwa city Rajasthan India 24.24 73.71 2509 29432
Delwa city Jharkhand India 24.54 85.42 951 43390
Delwara city India 20.98 72.84 29 46435
Delwara city Rajasthan India 24.61 72.72 4189 32830
Delwara city Uttar Pradesh India 24.77 78.37 1669 12448
Delwara city Uttar Pradesh India 24.72 78.62 1154 14175
Delwara city Madhya Pradesh India 23.64 78.03 1669 10430
Delwara city Uttar Pradesh India 24.77 78.37 1669 12448
Delwara city Gujarat India 24.24 72.38 830 47610
Delwara city Gujarat India 24.02 72.97 830 22800
Delwara city Rajasthan India 25.01 73.49 2824 14823
Delwaria city Uttar Pradesh India 25.34 83.00 213 146627
Delwaria city Uttar Pradesh India 25.66 82.72 269 119471
Delwi city Himachal Pradesh India 31.14 77.54 6709 22489
Delwāni city Madhya Pradesh India 22.16 74.48 830 22619
Delwāra city Rajasthan India 24.78 73.75 1988 28675
Delwāra city Madhya Pradesh India 23.85 78.11 1669 22350
Delāl city Rajasthan India 26.60 76.29 1164 50440
Delāna city Rajasthan India 25.32 73.89 1978 25711
Delāna city Rajasthan India 25.23 74.22 1669 23045
Delās city Rajasthan India 25.46 74.22 1709 16721
Delāwa city Bihar India 25.22 85.78 137 136884
Delāwāri city Madhya Pradesh India 22.88 77.52 1210 11220
Delāwās city Rajasthan India 27.80 76.48 1066 39301

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