
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Voua city Nadroga and Navosa Fiji -18.13 177.42 0 5944
Voua II city Centre Cameroon 4.02 11.20 1958 8329
Voua III city Centre Cameroon 4.00 11.23 2509 7897
Vouadjou city N'gazidja Comoros -11.64 43.25 830 37890
Vouala city Lekoumou Congo -3.16 13.41 1791 447
Vouali city Lekoumou Congo -3.15 14.11 1784 480
Vouani city Anjouan Comoros -12.24 44.37 0 33140
Vouanza city Pool Congo -4.53 14.76 1702 1937
Vouara city Lekoumou Congo -3.81 13.43 1059 149
Vouarces city Champagne-Ardenne France 48.59 3.90 252 1187

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