
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Tōdachi city Nara Japan 34.55 135.96 1669 23772
Tōdah Kowsh city Baghlan Afghanistan 36.24 69.13 4189 6556
Tōdaijima city Chiba Japan 35.67 139.89 6 913569
Tōdairi city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.48 127.06 29 16786
Tōdera city Fukushima Japan 37.58 139.79 830 20433
Tōdih city Herat Afghanistan 34.15 62.58 4353 4768
Tōdār city Karnataka India 13.03 74.99 370 27786

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