
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Solwa city Chhattisgarh India 22.44 82.99 1154 23095
Solwa city Tillaberi Niger 14.54 3.36 830 2
Solwa city Shinyanga Tanzania, United Rep. of -3.40 32.90 4189 3725
Solwach city Himachal Pradesh India 31.50 77.09 6709 12054
Solwan city Southern Highlands Papua New Guinea -6.08 143.37 6774 1937
Solwane city Central Botswana -21.38 26.38 3546 298
Solwane city Central Botswana -21.51 26.68 3549 298
Solwaster city Wallonie Belgium 50.52 5.96 1669 5308
Solway city Kentucky United States 37.62 -86.18 830
Solway city Minnesota United States 47.52 -95.13 1669
Solway city Tennessee United States 35.98 -84.18 980
Solway Dowrns city Queensland Australia -20.08 142.70 830 0
Solwerd city Groningen Netherlands 53.32 6.87 3 21632
Solwesi city North-Western Zambia -12.17 26.39 4566 6169
Solwesi Airport airport -12.17 26.37 4551 0
Solwezi city North-Western Zambia -12.17 26.39 4566 6169
Solwolwolo city Borno Nigeria 11.43 13.37 1099 2868
Solwong city South Darfur Sudan 11.68 24.10 2080 1937

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