
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Pune city Para Brazil 1.97 -54.92 984 0
Pune city Maharashtra India 18.51 73.85 1889 1578180
Pune city Oecussi-Ambeno East Timor -9.37 124.32 1148 5361
Puneduhalli city Karnataka India 14.31 75.28 1978 30639
Punegaon city Maharashtra India 19.13 77.40 1161 164986
Puneh Khani city Qazvin Iran 36.48 50.01 7549 2086
Puneir city Uttar Pradesh India 27.62 78.20 830 51021
Puneja city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.11 75.69 5029 17373
Punele city Slemani Iraq 35.32 45.04 2083 185
Punem city Udmurtiya Russia 56.69 52.38 830 991
Punemire city Korce Albania 40.63 20.52 4189 5662
Punen city Jawa Timur Indonesia -7.55 111.20 2762 65190
Punen city Jawa Tengah Indonesia -6.71 110.84 830 131257
Punen city Ayacucho Peru -12.71 -74.29 12588 1939
Punende city Benguela Angola -12.27 14.22 3487 894
Puneng city Xizang China 28.98 89.23 13428 1726
Puneo city Maharashtra India 18.51 73.85 1889 1578180
Puneran city Rajasthan India 25.95 74.16 1669 34859
Punereuin city New Caledonia -21.08 165.40 82 96
Punerot city Lorraine France 48.48 5.81 1000 1260
Punesra city Bihar India 25.23 85.74 141 148512
Puneta city Rajasthan India 26.30 76.29 830 20512
Puneta city Himachal Pradesh India 32.58 76.19 5449 21412
Punette city No Haiti 19.48 -72.15 830 41544
Punewa city North Central Sri Lanka 8.61 80.47 357 9831
Punewa Kudapalugollewa city North Central Sri Lanka 8.60 80.45 364 9834
Punełe city Slemani Iraq 35.32 45.04 2083 185

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