
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Mby city Kanem Chad 14.16 15.13 1167 0
Mbya city Benue Nigeria 7.15 8.67 830 11567
Mbyali city Est Cameroon 3.60 15.07 1958 447
Mbye Kunda city Upper River Gambia, The 13.38 -14.28 3 6317
Mbye Niake city North Bank Gambia, The 13.58 -15.42 78 7834
Mbyebougou city Koulikoro Mali 14.42 -8.12 1030 1087
Mbyet city Fier Albania 40.71 19.56 196 52953
Mbyeti city Fier Albania 40.71 19.56 196 52953
Mbyo city Est Rwanda -2.23 30.16 5029 26407
Mbyorvungu city Benue Nigeria 7.02 8.76 830 11622

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