
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Lilwa city Uttar Pradesh India 25.37 79.32 830 25749
Lilwa city Chhattisgarh India 20.41 81.54 1669 17060
Lilwa city Uttar Pradesh India 27.42 82.36 334 37625
Lilwa Deva city Gujarat India 23.02 74.18 987 57445
Lilwa Pokhar city Gujarat India 23.03 74.18 987 57436
Lilwachh city Bihar India 25.30 84.13 242 64436
Lilwahi city Uttar Pradesh India 25.47 79.99 830 16953
Lilwahi city Uttar Pradesh India 24.68 82.80 977 18928
Lilwahi city Uttar Pradesh India 24.69 82.79 967 18928
Lilwakapa city Chhattisgarh India 22.04 81.67 964 49512
Lilwal city Uttar Pradesh India 27.47 80.21 830 65205
Lilwale city Morogoro Tanzania, United Rep. of -7.12 37.53 4189 3725
Lilwan city Uttar Pradesh India 27.71 79.33 830 48174
Lilwani city Madhya Pradesh India 23.00 78.83 1076 18994
Lilwar city Madhya Pradesh India 24.57 82.19 830 40090
Lilwara Asepur city Uttar Pradesh India 25.40 82.11 311 167988
Lilwara Binda city Uttar Pradesh India 25.39 82.11 311 163138
Lilwasar Muwara city Gujarat India 23.09 73.99 849 55676
Lilwelo city Western Zambia -15.27 23.03 3349 2384
Lilwāpahār city Chhattisgarh India 20.42 81.54 1669 16655
Lilwār city Madhya Pradesh India 24.28 80.44 1669 12344
Lilwāra city Madhya Pradesh India 25.08 77.63 1669 14468

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