
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Līr city Chahar Mahal va Bakhtiari Iran 31.49 50.70 6709 3874
Līr city Gilan Iran 37.93 48.76 3349 2980
Līr city Kohgiluyeh va Bowyer Ahmad Iran 30.91 50.44 2824 3874
Līr city Hormozgan Iran 25.64 58.87 78 745
Līr Kā’īd city Kohgiluyeh va Bowyer Ahmad Iran 31.20 50.58 4189 3874
Līr Sīāh-e Bālā city Khuzestan Iran 31.61 50.30 4524 3182
Līr Sūkhteh city Kohgiluyeh va Bowyer Ahmad Iran 31.00 50.85 4314 5364
Līr Tarak city Kohgiluyeh va Bowyer Ahmad Iran 30.81 50.66 2880 8183
Līr Tork city Kohgiluyeh va Bowyer Ahmad Iran 30.81 50.66 2880 8183
Līr-e Bozorg city Kohgiluyeh va Bowyer Ahmad Iran 30.90 50.44 2696 3874
Līr-e Gashāseb city Khuzestan Iran 31.65 50.31 4258 2993
Līr-e Kūchek city Kohgiluyeh va Bowyer Ahmad Iran 30.91 50.44 2824 3874
Līr-e Ḩoseyn Chelī city Lorestan Iran 33.18 49.18 6709 1341
Līrah city Arbil Iraq 36.98 44.20 2900 2235
Līrak city Khuzestan Iran 31.71 50.25 4189 2980
Līrariya city Rajasthan India 25.47 74.53 1669 36743
Līrd city Gilan Iran 37.93 48.76 3349 2980
Līrd city Hormozgan Iran 25.64 58.87 78 745
Līrdaf city Hormozgan Iran 25.64 58.87 78 745
Līrdi city Rajasthan India 25.14 74.81 1256 13583
Līrdā city Khuzestan Iran 32.84 48.84 3349 4917
Līrdīkhera city Rajasthan India 25.15 74.83 1669 14014
Līreh’ī city Hormozgan Iran 25.79 58.47 39 745
Līreh’ī city Hormozgan Iran 25.78 58.46 26 745
Līresar city Mazandaran Iran 36.68 50.90 1669 8536
Līrgarān city Lorestan Iran 33.45 48.21 3612 28836
Līrkak city Kohgiluyeh va Bowyer Ahmad Iran 30.89 50.09 2509 2836
Līrka’īdī city Kohgiluyeh va Bowyer Ahmad Iran 31.20 50.58 4189 3874
Līrow city Chahar Mahal va Bakhtiari Iran 32.73 49.53 5869 3800
Līrsīāh-e Mūzarm city Khuzestan Iran 31.63 50.27 3349 2980
Līrānwāli Bān city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.47 74.34 4189 19668
Līrāvī-ye Shomālī city Bushehr Iran 30.06 50.33 124 1639
Līrī city Arbil Iraq 36.98 44.20 2900 2235
Līrīan city Markazi Iran 33.68 49.94 6128 3857
Līrū city Fars Iran 30.35 51.47 4189 1113
Līrū city Golestan Iran 37.19 55.62 4189 3218
Līrū city Chahar Mahal va Bakhtiari Iran 32.73 49.53 5869 3800
Līrūk city Chahar Mahal va Bakhtiari Iran 31.52 50.41 4189 3874

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