
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Biem city Nord Cameroon 7.92 13.82 2070 596
Biem city Nord Cameroon 7.80 13.88 2509 596
Biem city Benue Nigeria 7.36 8.25 830 7599
Biem city Unity South Sudan 10.10 29.93 1669 1937
Biem city Unity South Sudan 10.01 30.14 1669 1937
Biem city Montana United States 48.48 -104.94 2509
Biema Xinzhai city Yunnan China 22.54 101.82 3349 2948
Biemakeri city Xizang China 30.29 93.95 14268 0
Biematow city Opolskie Poland 50.27 17.83 830 7102
Biemba city Mayuge Uganda 0.42 33.45 3772 39860
Biemba city Western Zambia -16.88 24.57 3349 447
Bieme city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) 3.28 26.89 2509 298
Bieme city Yunnan China 25.07 101.12 5869 11473
Biemekiri city Rivers Nigeria 4.60 7.08 1669 27882
Biemenhorst city Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany 51.81 6.62 124 64070
Biemfatata city Ghana 6.94 -1.88 908 13913
Biemke city Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany 52.27 8.83 305 36157
Biemoy city Ninawa Iraq 36.88 43.73 2509 4619
Biemrêye city Wallonie Belgium 50.30 4.68 830 11199
Biemsen city Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany 52.08 8.71 275 58921
Biemsen city Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany 52.07 8.70 337 56480
Biemso city Ghana 6.88 -1.85 830 12174
Biemsokora city Ghana 6.90 -1.86 830 12600
Biemsokoru city Ghana 6.90 -1.86 830 12600
Biemtatata city Ghana 6.94 -1.88 908 13913

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