
Alphabetical listing of Places in Switzerland

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Codate city Ticino Switzerland 45.94 8.90 1669 33740
Coeuve city Jura Switzerland 47.45 7.10 1669 11183
Cofiniacum city Geneve Switzerland 46.18 6.08 1669 158337
Cointrin city Geneve Switzerland 46.22 6.12 1669 304064
Coire city Grigioni Switzerland 46.86 9.53 1984 36520
Col des Roches city Neuchatel Switzerland 47.03 6.85 2791 23000
Coldree city Ticino Switzerland 45.86 8.99 1066 55821
Coldrerio city Ticino Switzerland 45.86 8.99 1066 55821
Colla city Ticino Switzerland 46.09 9.05 3349 5428
Colla city Ticino Switzerland 46.06 9.01 4189 31097
Collombey city Valais Switzerland 46.27 6.95 1669 29066
Collonges city Valais Switzerland 46.17 7.04 2752 10252
Colombaio city Ticino Switzerland 45.94 8.93 830 29123
Colombier city Neuchatel Switzerland 46.97 6.86 1669 33018
Colombier city Vaud Switzerland 46.56 6.47 1706 26513
Colombier (NE) city Neuchatel Switzerland 46.97 6.86 1669 33018
Colombier (VD) city Vaud Switzerland 46.56 6.47 1706 26513
Colombier NE city Neuchatel Switzerland 46.97 6.86 1669 33018
Colombier i Neuchâtel city Neuchatel Switzerland 46.97 6.86 1669 33018
Colorina city Ticino Switzerland 45.84 8.94 1669 55665
Colovrex city Geneve Switzerland 46.25 6.14 1669 166423
Coltura city Grigioni Switzerland 46.34 9.58 4189 543
Comano city Ticino Switzerland 46.04 8.96 1049 82014
Comano TI city Ticino Switzerland 46.04 8.96 1049 82014
Comano i Sveits city Ticino Switzerland 46.04 8.96 1049 82014
Comanum city Ticino Switzerland 46.04 8.96 1049 82014
Comasca city Ticino Switzerland 46.13 8.69 2509 7558
Combra city Ticino Switzerland 46.32 8.99 3349 8036
Combremont city Vaud Switzerland 46.75 6.81 2509 6033
Combremont-le-Petit city Vaud Switzerland 46.75 6.81 2509 6033
Comelina city Ticino Switzerland 46.16 8.99 1788 30799
Comologno city Ticino Switzerland 46.20 8.58 4189 1023
Compadials city Grigioni Switzerland 46.72 8.92 3349 1435
Compatsch city Grigioni Switzerland 46.96 10.40 6709 1266
Compesières city Geneve Switzerland 46.15 6.12 1669 189233
Comprovasco city Ticino Switzerland 46.45 8.94 3349 2460
Concise city Vaud Switzerland 46.85 6.72 1669 3203
Condra city Ticino Switzerland 46.08 8.95 2634 29233
Confignon city Geneve Switzerland 46.18 6.08 1669 158337
Confine city Ticino Switzerland 45.91 8.92 1669 28923
Conters city Grigioni Switzerland 46.90 9.78 4360 2480
Conters city Grigioni Switzerland 46.61 9.59 4455 1657
Conters im Prättigau city Grigioni Switzerland 46.90 9.78 4360 2480
Contesius city Valais Switzerland 46.23 7.30 1758 23126
Conthey city Valais Switzerland 46.23 7.30 1758 23126
Conton city Ticino Switzerland 46.15 8.93 1210 18938
Contone city Ticino Switzerland 46.15 8.93 1210 18938
Contra city Ticino Switzerland 46.19 8.84 1669 26975
Coppet city Vaud Switzerland 46.32 6.19 1213 22854
Coppet city Valais Switzerland 46.29 7.33 5029 9900
Corbeyrier city Vaud Switzerland 46.35 6.96 3349 15124
Corcapolo city Ticino Switzerland 46.17 8.68 1961 6988
Corcelles city Bern Switzerland 47.28 7.46 3349 3805
Corcelles city Vaud Switzerland 46.83 6.96 1669 14157
Corcelles (BE) city Bern Switzerland 47.28 7.46 3349 3805
Corcelles BE city Bern Switzerland 47.28 7.46 3349 3805
Corcelles i Bern city Bern Switzerland 47.28 7.46 3349 3805
Corcelles-près-Payerne city Vaud Switzerland 46.83 6.96 1669 14157
Cordast city Freiburg Switzerland 46.87 7.15 2007 21845
Cordona city Valais Switzerland 46.33 7.56 4235 15528
Cordonaz city Valais Switzerland 46.33 7.56 4235 15528
Corgémont city Bern Switzerland 47.19 7.14 2509 8786
Corippo city Ticino Switzerland 46.24 8.84 1929 7617
Corminboeuf city Freiburg Switzerland 46.81 7.10 2509 47883
Corminboeuf FR city Freiburg Switzerland 46.81 7.10 2509 47883
Cornagee city Ticino Switzerland 46.01 8.81 2509 18011
Cornaux city Neuchatel Switzerland 47.08 7.02 3349 11608
Cornol city Jura Switzerland 47.41 7.16 1840 5850
Corsiacum city Geneve Switzerland 46.26 6.22 1669 25297
Corsier city Geneve Switzerland 46.26 6.22 1669 25297
Corsier (GE) city Geneve Switzerland 46.26 6.22 1669 25297
Corsier GE city Geneve Switzerland 46.26 6.22 1669 25297
Corsier Port city Geneve Switzerland 46.26 6.21 1669 30178
Cortaccio city Ticino Switzerland 46.11 8.68 1669 5463
Cortaillod city Neuchatel Switzerland 46.94 6.84 1669 23738
Cortascio city Ticino Switzerland 46.12 8.67 3549 5117
Corte city Ticino Switzerland 46.47 8.63 5314 521
Corte city Ticino Switzerland 46.13 8.70 830 9221
Corte Foan city Ticino Switzerland 46.09 8.95 3559 22587
Corte Grande city Ticino Switzerland 46.40 8.50 6709 464
Corte Grande city Ticino Switzerland 46.35 8.50 6709 467
Corte della Costa city Ticino Switzerland 46.12 8.82 3697 11182
Corte di Mezzo city Ticino Switzerland 46.13 8.82 3697 16247
Corte di Mezzo city Ticino Switzerland 46.12 8.69 1669 6070
Corte di Neggia city Ticino Switzerland 46.11 8.85 5029 6242
Corte di Sopra city Ticino Switzerland 46.12 8.89 3638 14806
Corte di Spora city Ticino Switzerland 46.13 8.96 3349 16253
Corteglia city Ticino Switzerland 45.86 9.00 1066 52912
Corticiasca city Ticino Switzerland 46.09 9.02 2870 9088
Cortittel city Jura Switzerland 47.34 7.32 1669 18605
Cortivallo city Ticino Switzerland 46.00 8.93 1013 86038
Cortuillod city Neuchatel Switzerland 46.94 6.84 1669 23738
Cossonay city Vaud Switzerland 46.61 6.51 1669 13243
Cossonay-Ville city Vaud Switzerland 46.61 6.51 1669 13243
Costa city Ticino Switzerland 46.06 8.99 2509 39123
Costa city Ticino Switzerland 45.93 8.92 1128 27297
Costa city Ticino Switzerland 45.85 8.99 912 64957
Costa dell'Albera city Ticino Switzerland 46.16 9.07 4507 13513
Costa dell’Albera city Ticino Switzerland 46.16 9.07 4507 13513
Cote aux Fees city Neuchatel Switzerland 46.87 6.49 3569 4378
Cottens city Freiburg Switzerland 46.75 7.03 2509 10908
Cottens (FR) city Freiburg Switzerland 46.75 7.03 2509 10908
Cottens FR city Freiburg Switzerland 46.75 7.03 2509 10908
Cottima city Ticino Switzerland 45.97 8.98 3349 45946
Cottingen city Freiburg Switzerland 46.75 7.03 2509 10908
Cougevaux city Freiburg Switzerland 46.91 7.11 1781 15842
Coulouvreniere city Geneve Switzerland 46.20 6.13 1243 314052
Courfaivre city Jura Switzerland 47.34 7.28 1683 11713
Courgenay city Jura Switzerland 47.40 7.12 1738 11419
Courgenay JU city Jura Switzerland 47.40 7.12 1738 11419
Courgevaux city Freiburg Switzerland 46.91 7.11 1781 15842
Courlevon city Freiburg Switzerland 46.89 7.11 1994 15922
Courrendlin city Jura Switzerland 47.34 7.37 1669 18895
Courroux city Jura Switzerland 47.36 7.38 1669 17628
Court city Bern Switzerland 47.24 7.34 2519 15563
Court BE city Bern Switzerland 47.24 7.34 2519 15563
Courtedoux city Jura Switzerland 47.41 7.04 1669 10589
Courtelary city Bern Switzerland 47.18 7.07 2509 5626
Courtemaîche city Jura Switzerland 47.46 7.05 1669 10244
Courtepin city Freiburg Switzerland 46.85 7.20 2509 24605
Courtetelle city Jura Switzerland 47.34 7.32 1669 18605
Courtion city Freiburg Switzerland 46.86 7.07 1971 14268
Couta city Valais Switzerland 46.13 7.39 6709 2816
Couvet city Neuchatel Switzerland 46.93 6.63 2732 6833
Couère city Grigioni Switzerland 46.86 9.53 1984 36520
Cozesaua city Sankt Gallen Switzerland 47.42 9.25 2509 44427
Cozzera city Ticino Switzerland 46.57 8.94 5029 505
Cozzo city Ticino Switzerland 46.10 9.06 4189 4924
Cozzo city Ticino Switzerland 46.09 9.01 3349 10278

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