
Alphabetical listing of Places in Ninawa

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Tebet Rebe city Ninawa Iraq 36.69 42.69 1669 2235
Tefgir Chal city Ninawa Iraq 36.72 42.51 1181 2235
Tel Abu Dhahir city Ninawa Iraq 36.83 42.47 1174 2346
Tel Abu Shugga city Ninawa Iraq 36.25 42.77 1092 2235
Tel Afar city Ninawa Iraq 36.38 42.45 1669 108816
Tel Asfur city Ninawa Iraq 36.49 42.91 830 26376
Tel Behri city Ninawa Iraq 36.56 42.17 1669 2235
Tel Benat city Ninawa Iraq 36.26 42.02 1240 2235
Tel Benat city Ninawa Iraq 36.27 42.03 1669 2235
Tel Benat city Ninawa Iraq 36.25 42.03 1190 2235
Tel Beyad city Ninawa Iraq 36.72 42.16 1233 2235
Tel Beyadr city Ninawa Iraq 36.55 42.07 1669 2235
Tel Bozkine city Ninawa Iraq 36.75 43.60 1669 2488
Tel Buwaita city Ninawa Iraq 36.13 42.52 830 2235
Tel Ebu Tahîr city Ninawa Iraq 36.83 42.47 1174 2346
Tel Ebu Zahir city Ninawa Iraq 36.83 42.47 1174 2346
Tel Esqef city Ninawa Iraq 36.60 43.11 1167 2235
Tel Eswed city Ninawa Iraq 36.27 43.53 830 2235
Tel Eswed city Ninawa Iraq 36.28 43.55 1036 2235
Tel Eḧmed city Ninawa Iraq 36.82 42.38 1669 2235
Tel Ferdî city Ninawa Iraq 36.84 42.29 1669 2235
Tel Ghezal city Ninawa Iraq 36.23 42.34 948 2235
Tel Gran city Ninawa Iraq 36.77 42.34 1177 2235
Tel Hemin city Ninawa Iraq 36.58 42.79 1013 2235
Tel Hugna city Ninawa Iraq 36.56 42.56 1148 2235
Tel Hugnah city Ninawa Iraq 36.56 42.56 1148 2235
Tel Hîzof city Ninawa Iraq 36.75 42.31 1138 2235
Tel Jede city Ninawa Iraq 36.68 42.26 1204 2235
Tel Kaif city Ninawa Iraq 36.49 43.12 990 111736
Tel Kaw city Ninawa Iraq 36.28 42.20 1076 2235
Tel Kepe city Ninawa Iraq 36.49 43.12 990 111736
Tel Khamira city Ninawa Iraq 36.25 42.68 1040 2235
Tel Khazaf city Ninawa Iraq 36.32 42.90 1200 2235
Tel Leban city Ninawa Iraq 36.21 43.54 830 2235
Tel Meter city Ninawa Iraq 36.41 42.20 1669 2235
Tel Meter city Ninawa Iraq 36.43 42.23 1669 2235
Tel Mus city Ninawa Iraq 36.63 42.60 1128 2235
Tel Musharif city Ninawa Iraq 36.54 41.53 1669 5915
Tel Musherif city Ninawa Iraq 36.54 41.53 1669 5915
Tel Nasir city Ninawa Iraq 36.69 42.71 1669 2282
Tel Rîm city Ninawa Iraq 36.51 42.67 853 2235
Tel Sehb city Ninawa Iraq 36.54 42.75 830 2235
Tel Sehle city Ninawa Iraq 36.99 42.33 1669 3879
Tel Semir city Ninawa Iraq 36.75 42.17 1194 2235
Tel Siman city Ninawa Iraq 36.90 42.25 1669 2835
Tel Sirwal city Ninawa Iraq 36.16 42.70 846 2235
Tel Sumayir city Ninawa Iraq 36.75 42.17 1194 2235
Tel Tahain city Ninawa Iraq 36.02 42.79 830 2235
Tel Tahin city Ninawa Iraq 36.02 42.79 830 2235
Tel Teleb city Ninawa Iraq 36.74 42.20 1187 2235
Tel Tełeb city Ninawa Iraq 36.74 42.20 1187 2235
Tel Tāshi city Ninawa Iraq 36.13 42.79 869 2235
Tel Uskof city Ninawa Iraq 36.60 43.11 1167 2235
Tel Uwainat city Ninawa Iraq 36.68 42.40 1204 2235
Tel Uwanat city Ninawa Iraq 36.68 42.40 1204 2235
Tel Werdan city Ninawa Iraq 36.72 42.35 1187 2235
Tel Wndar city Ninawa Iraq 36.36 42.40 1099 63377
Tel Wāi city Ninawa Iraq 35.99 43.27 830 2235
Tel Xan Cedel city Ninawa Iraq 36.68 42.26 1167 2235
Tel Xweyn city Ninawa Iraq 36.65 42.21 1243 2235
Tel `Asfur city Ninawa Iraq 36.49 42.91 830 26376
Tel `Edes city Ninawa Iraq 36.61 42.98 1138 2235
Tel `Eli city Ninawa Iraq 36.22 42.26 964 2235
Tel `Ewad city Ninawa Iraq 36.24 42.39 892 2235
Tel `Uwinat city Ninawa Iraq 36.68 42.40 1204 2235
Tel al Hāyit city Ninawa Iraq 36.20 42.06 1036 2235
Tel al Mahar city Ninawa Iraq 35.97 43.25 830 2235
Tel ash Shaur city Ninawa Iraq 36.50 42.14 1669 2235
Tel el Uwainat city Ninawa Iraq 36.68 42.40 1204 2235
Tel Ḧumel city Ninawa Iraq 36.59 43.48 1053 2235
Tel ‘Asfūr city Ninawa Iraq 36.49 42.91 830 26376
Tel ‘Edes city Ninawa Iraq 36.61 42.98 1138 2235
Tel ‘Elî city Ninawa Iraq 36.22 42.26 964 2235
Tel ‘Ewad city Ninawa Iraq 36.24 42.39 892 2235
Tel ‘Uwînat city Ninawa Iraq 36.68 42.40 1204 2235
Tele`fer city Ninawa Iraq 36.38 42.45 1669 108816
Tele‘fer city Ninawa Iraq 36.38 42.45 1669 108816
Tell Hugnah city Ninawa Iraq 36.56 42.56 1148 2235
Temple of Hatra city Ninawa Iraq 35.57 42.73 830 2235
Term Tepe city Ninawa Iraq 36.34 42.28 1089 2235

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