
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Thetaria city Bihar India 25.09 86.50 180 68830
Thetegaon city Maharashtra India 20.21 79.22 830 0
Theth city Uttar Pradesh India 29.08 78.14 830 103397
Thethaitāngar city Jharkhand India 22.50 84.51 1089 16688
Thetham Bari city Madhya Pradesh India 23.09 74.39 997 28565
Thetham Chhoti city Madhya Pradesh India 23.09 74.40 1000 29266
Thethar Kalan city Punjab India 30.88 74.84 830 38144
Thethar Khurd city Punjab India 30.88 74.83 830 38144
Thetharwa city Bihar India 25.72 86.36 121 102926
Thether Bāsna city Rajasthan India 27.95 76.61 875 39934
Thethiapura city Madhya Pradesh India 25.92 78.20 830 24029
Thethu city Jammu and Kashmir India 32.62 75.48 1870 25755
Thetwar Lanjhia city Chhattisgarh India 20.79 80.79 1135 22202
Thetāle city Maharashtra India 20.14 74.18 1922 45727

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