
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Dubi city Madhya Pradesh India 24.46 81.40 1000 35664
Dubi city Jharkhand India 24.32 85.26 1669 39050
Dubi city Bihar India 24.62 84.78 830 98643
Dubi Bheri city West Bengal India 22.89 88.28 39 56660
Dubi Gali city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.10 75.10 3349 16192
Dubi Subhi city Bihar India 25.73 87.88 88 89725
Dubia Barigaon city India 26.91 93.71 219 36027
Dubiahi city Bihar India 25.90 86.73 137 122687
Dubiathī city Jharkhand India 23.60 83.89 3349 10347
Dubihā city Uttar Pradesh India 25.76 83.87 183 96016
Dubili city Odisha India 18.88 82.59 1906 44685
Dubiya city Madhya Pradesh India 24.82 81.78 1017 40464
Dubiyana city Uttarakhand India 30.44 78.17 6233 24525
Dubiāhi city Bihar India 26.22 86.84 193 96065
Dubiāhi city Bihar India 25.69 86.37 114 113254
Dubiāri city Uttar Pradesh India 26.67 83.53 209 134247
Dubiāro city Madhya Pradesh India 23.38 80.17 1669 30887

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