
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
ସମ୍ବଲପୁର city Odisha India 21.47 83.98 830 87874
ସମ୍ଭାଲ city Uttar Pradesh India 28.58 78.57 830 189463
ସାହାର୍ସା city Bihar India 25.87 86.60 127 206518
ସିନ୍ଥିଆ city West Bengal India 23.95 87.68 160 99124
ସିମଦେଗା city Jharkhand India 22.62 84.50 1669 49601
ସିରୋହି city Rajasthan India 24.88 72.86 1030 43957
ସିର୍ସା city Haryana India 29.53 75.03 830 105405
ସିର୍ସି city Karnataka India 14.62 74.84 1955 54777
ସିଲଭାସା city Dadra and Nagar Haveli India 20.27 73.00 91 52427
ସିଲ୍‌ଚର୍ city Assam India 24.83 92.80 75 192960
ସେଲମ୍ city Tamil Nadu India 11.65 78.16 918 434

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