
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Umbo city Uige Angola -6.85 14.93 2559 2235
Umbo city Madang Papua New Guinea -4.47 144.80 275 1341
Umboe city Zimbabwe -17.20 30.13 4189 1788
Umbog city Apayao Philippines 17.78 121.30 328 3572
Umbogintwini city KwaZulu-Natal South Africa -30.02 30.92 337 161241
Umboldi city Madang Papua New Guinea -5.70 146.48 1669 1308
Umboli city Sahel Burkina Faso 13.76 0.51 830 2384
Umbolo city Central Equatoria South Sudan 5.87 31.02 1669 20
Umbombo city Benguela Angola -12.50 14.88 5885 894
Umbombo city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -8.37 26.51 1919 902
Umbono city Masvingo Zimbabwe -21.40 30.79 1669 1192
Umboo city Xizang China 30.37 82.83 15997 0
Umborcui city Dadra and Nagar Haveli India 20.25 73.06 249 13310
Umboverskiy Pogost city Murmanskaya Oblast' Russia 67.53 34.52 830 91
Umbovskiy city Murmanskaya Oblast' Russia 66.77 34.35 42 0
Umbovskiy Pogost city Murmanskaya Oblast' Russia 66.77 34.35 42 0
Umboworo city Northern Papua New Guinea -9.12 148.27 2509 596
Umboyo city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) 3.16 27.40 2509 298
Umboyo city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) 3.14 27.58 2509 298
Umbozero city Murmanskaya Oblast' Russia 67.53 34.52 830 91
Umbozero Air Base airport 67.51 34.31 518 0
Umbozerskiy Pogost city Murmanskaya Oblast' Russia 67.53 34.52 830 91

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