
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Teos city Izmir Turkey 38.19 26.79 55 17782
Teosil city Daegu Korea, Republic of (South) 35.92 128.44 226 25740
Teosil city Ulsan Korea, Republic of (South) 35.46 129.29 39 83557
Teosin city Lubelskie Poland 51.15 23.74 830 2882
Teosinte city Chalatenango El Salvador 14.25 -89.13 2700 8866
Teosinte city Chalatenango El Salvador 14.22 -89.07 1912 6648
Teosinte city Chalatenango El Salvador 14.10 -88.77 1669 6095
Teosinte city Jalisco Mexico 20.29 -105.00 3349 447
Teosnalu city Nusa Tenggara Timur Indonesia -10.77 122.98 154 12819
Teosotlan city Oaxaca Mexico 17.65 -97.81 5029 4961
Teossalogo city Plateau-Central Burkina Faso 12.32 -0.87 931 5910
Teossogo city Nord Burkina Faso 13.51 -1.92 1040 9868
Teoste city Parnumaa Estonia 58.47 24.02 45 563

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