
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Taueau city Niue -19.00 -169.92 9 468
Tauekaname city Southern Botswana -25.41 25.38 4202 680
Tauene city Nampula Mozambique -15.07 38.72 1768 1987
Tauene city Gaza Mozambique -24.74 32.89 88 3688
Tauene city Inhambane Mozambique -21.81 34.75 351 1043
Tauenpil city Pohnpei Federated States of Micronesia 6.87 158.29 0 9699
Tauenzinow city Opolskie Poland 50.87 17.91 830 3577
Tauer city Tirol Austria 47.12 12.50 6204 1677
Tauer city Brandenburg Germany 51.90 14.45 203 10149
Tauer city Sachsen Germany 51.32 14.63 830 438
Tauer - Turjej city Brandenburg Germany 51.90 14.45 203 10149
Tauer - Turjo city Sachsen Germany 51.32 14.63 830 438
Tauern city Karnten Austria 46.67 14.02 3349 8040
Tauern city Bayern Germany 47.78 12.26 2808 3892
Tauerneck city Karnten Austria 46.67 14.02 3349 8040
Tauernfeld city Bayern Germany 49.23 11.51 1669 20218
Tauernfleck city Salzburg Austria 47.15 12.47 7919 1723
Taueru city New Zealand -40.97 175.80 830 159
Taueshele city Southern Botswana -24.81 25.22 4189 447
Tauewoleng city Shan State Burma 22.02 97.42 2509 2451

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