
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Sisa (2),Sisa- (1),Sisab (4),Sisac (2),Sisad (3),Sisae (1),Sisag (10),Sisah (15),Sisai (62),Sisak (10),Sisal (28),Sisam (9),Sisan (39),Sisap (1),Sisar (16),Sisas (2),Sisat (1),Sisau (61),Sisav (3),Sisaw (9),Sisay (5),Sisaī (1)
Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Sisa city Rakhine State Burma 19.46 93.64 45 7649
Sisa city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) 4.87 26.83 2509 149
Sisa city Nord-Kivu Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -1.23 29.10 5869 16399
Sisa city Gambela Hizboch Ethiopia 8.18 34.77 1755 641
Sisa city Kriti Greece 35.39 24.88 236 1134
Sisa city Heves Hungary 47.67 19.70 370 21978
Sisa city Maharashtra India 20.72 77.11 944 114256
Sisa city Nagasaki Japan 33.35 129.71 0 19755
Sisa city Maputo Mozambique -25.87 32.32 226 6054
Sisa city San Martin Peru -6.61 -76.69 1811 7843
Sisa city Wakiso Uganda 0.17 32.48 4189 27881

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