
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Samoa city Malanje Angola -11.21 18.43 4445 1639
Samoa city Cundinamarca Colombia 4.27 -74.44 4189 42343
Samoa city Rotuma Fiji -12.51 177.04 114 1715
Samoa city Ghana 10.83 -2.56 1000 5039
Samoa city Papua Indonesia -1.17 136.05 36 46182
Samoa city Milne Bay Papua New Guinea -10.58 151.20 0 67
Samoa city Gulf Papua New Guinea -7.44 144.37 830 298
Samoa city Iowa United States 42.08 -90.20 830
Samoa city Missouri United States 37.27 -91.91 1194
Samoa city California United States 40.82 -124.19 0
Samoalgou city Est Burkina Faso 12.55 1.71 944 1736
Samoam city Korea, Dem. Peoples Rep. of (North) 39.82 124.87 52 22034
Samoao city Malampa Vanuatu -16.30 168.28 45 1065
Samoarayan city Rangpur Bangladesh 25.74 89.53 104 142776
Samoas city Kriti Greece 35.22 25.26 1669 6302
Samoayile city Northern Ghana 10.11 -0.27 830 2235

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