
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Rwaza city Gitega Burundi -3.60 30.05 5997 34162
Rwaza city Nord Rwanda -1.54 29.69 6184 81016
Rwaza city Ouest Rwanda -1.69 29.27 5341 138049
Rwaza city Sud Rwanda -2.61 29.70 5869 81572
Rwaza city Nord Rwanda -1.57 29.59 6860 67527
Rwaza city Ouest Rwanda -2.09 29.50 6105 47625
Rwazana city Est Rwanda -1.85 30.57 5869 6116
Rwazera city Mwanza Tanzania, United Rep. of -2.55 32.19 4189 14922
Rwazi city Kagera Tanzania, United Rep. of -1.33 30.72 5301 8493

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