
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Rwagacece city Ouest Rwanda -2.61 28.92 5288 45138
Rwagahago city Sud Rwanda -2.35 29.68 5426 59347
Rwagahaya city Est Rwanda -1.93 30.41 5029 47464
Rwagahaya city Nord Rwanda -1.59 30.17 5869 33546
Rwagakobe city Est Rwanda -2.16 30.64 5262 25567
Rwagapfizi city Sud Rwanda -2.46 29.55 6902 50157
Rwagati city Kagera Tanzania, United Rep. of -1.49 31.74 3772 5986
Rwagikeli city Est Rwanda -2.07 30.72 4265 18312
Rwagimba city Kabarole Uganda 0.48 30.10 5869 19112
Rwagitima city Est Rwanda -1.66 30.42 4465 7237
Rwagitura city Est Rwanda -2.22 30.75 5291 17537
Rwagongwe city Ngozi Burundi -2.85 29.76 5994 61696
Rwagongwe city Kayanza Burundi -2.89 29.57 7125 71007
Rwagontwe city Ngozi Burundi -2.85 29.76 5994 61696
Rwagungwe city Kayanza Burundi -2.89 29.57 7125 71007

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