
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Ruyogoro city Ruyigi Burundi -3.34 30.28 5360 12883
Ruyogoro city Karuzi Burundi -3.02 30.01 5045 43960
Ruyogoro city Karuzi Burundi -3.15 30.09 5029 37466
Ruyogoro city Ngozi Burundi -2.95 30.10 5869 42671
Ruyogoro city Ouest Rwanda -2.33 29.16 5931 27923
Ruyogoro city Sud Rwanda -2.19 29.61 5869 47882
Ruyoma city Morogoro Tanzania, United Rep. of -6.88 38.03 898 3725
Ruyong city Aceh Indonesia 5.60 95.50 3 5972
Ruyonga city Ouest Rwanda -2.57 28.93 5967 48496
Ruyonza city Est Rwanda -1.41 30.25 5029 16279
Ruyonza city Est Rwanda -2.00 30.52 5029 34584
Ruyove city Nord Rwanda -1.69 29.85 5869 57146

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