
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Ruma (1),Rumaa (1),Rumab (2),Rumac (1),Rumad (5),Rumae (3),Rumag (3),Rumah (1498),Rumai (22),Rumaj (2),Rumak (8),Rumal (10),Rumam (2),Ruman (61),Rumao (1),Rumap (1),Rumar (10),Rumas (4),Rumat (4),Rumau (2),Rumay (40),Rumaz (2)
Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Ruma city Bangladesh 22.05 92.41 180 6407
Ruma city Katsina Nigeria 12.86 7.23 1669 25333
Ruma city Kaduna Nigeria 11.32 7.89 2509 7810
Ruma city Ruma Serbia 45.01 19.82 396 31972
Ruma city Serbia 44.83 19.61 219 5673
Ruma city Nord Rwanda -1.52 29.74 6187 69958
Ruma city Ar Riyad Saudi Arabia 25.56 47.16 1873 298
Ruma city Coast Tanzania, United Rep. of -7.77 39.85 3 8470
Ruma city Illinois United States 38.14 -90.00 830

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