
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Pumba city Zabul Afghanistan 32.05 67.07 5869 1397
Pumba city Kwanza Sul Angola -10.97 13.89 88 1586
Pumba city Uige Angola -7.96 15.24 4189 2373
Pumba city Namibe Angola -14.88 12.70 1669 298
Pumba city Bahia Brazil -12.68 -39.20 830 23712
Pumba city Katanga Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -1.05 17.30 948 999
Pumba city Equateur Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) 3.38 18.66 1108 1465
Pumba city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -8.52 26.86 4189 2682
Pumba city North-Western Zambia -13.76 23.23 3425 631
Pumba city North-Western Zambia -13.60 23.18 3605 3361
Pumba Helipad airport -33.39 26.41 0
Pumba Zāra city Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan 34.48 72.71 2851 28247
Pumba air strip airport -33.39 26.35 0
Pumbah city Zabul Afghanistan 32.05 67.07 5869 1397
Pumbai city Federally Administered Tribal Areas Pakistan 34.67 71.73 4189 31724
Pumbail city Bangladesh 24.69 90.57 39 143574
Pumbak-e Bālā city Takhar Afghanistan 36.42 69.61 6814 4023
Pumbak-i-Bālā city Takhar Afghanistan 36.42 69.61 6814 4023
Pumbalanu city Sulawesi Barat Indonesia -3.43 118.95 364 21466
Pumbaliara city Sulawesi Barat Indonesia -3.48 119.03 396 65214
Pumballar city Sulawesi Barat Indonesia -3.40 118.89 997 16277
Pumbaloa city Uige Angola -7.29 14.78 2509 2235
Pumbana city Maputo Mozambique -24.37 32.13 830 0
Pumbandere city Sulawesi Selatan Indonesia -4.71 119.74 1883 5866
Pumbane city Maputo Mozambique -25.35 32.48 278 18
Pumbapayah city Parwan Afghanistan 35.09 69.14 5869 61708
Pumbapāya city Parwan Afghanistan 35.09 69.14 5869 61708
Pumbarel city Southern Highlands Papua New Guinea -6.34 143.52 5341 1937
Pumbasa city Sulawesi Tengah Indonesia -0.60 119.84 830 10782
Pumbast-e Bālā city Ghor Afghanistan 33.53 64.07 6804 2491
Pumbaste Bala city Ghor Afghanistan 33.53 64.07 6804 2491
Pumbasti-Bala city Ghor Afghanistan 33.53 64.07 6804 2491
Pumbaya city Zanzibar North Tanzania, United Rep. of -5.78 39.33 85 23408
Pumbazara city Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan 34.88 72.01 5869 25397
Pumbazār city Kunar Afghanistan 34.95 71.34 5029 5687
Pumbazār city Zabul Afghanistan 32.71 67.17 6023 1192
Pumbe city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -6.36 22.88 2509 4180
Pumbeh city Kerman Iran 30.51 54.69 7549 447
Pumbejagi city Sulawesi Barat Indonesia -3.36 119.03 341 15783
Pumbele city Southern Highlands Papua New Guinea -6.23 143.62 5164 1937
Pumberal city Southern Highlands Papua New Guinea -6.34 143.52 5341 1937
Pumbeya city Southern Sierra Leone 8.22 -12.36 124 4749
Pumbeya city Southern Sierra Leone 8.11 -12.39 269 4345
Pumbhāla city Himachal Pradesh India 31.96 76.20 1669 45854
Pumbi city Equateur Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) 3.42 22.17 1998 0
Pumbi city Narino Colombia 1.55 -78.25 830 894
Pumbila Chilaka city Central Zambia -13.05 30.71 5029 783
Pumbinisi city Sulawesi Tenggara Indonesia -3.96 122.08 305 10041
Pumbo city Uige Angola -6.44 15.53 2903 2235
Pumbo Ghundai city Federally Administered Tribal Areas Pakistan 34.67 71.38 3533 12814
Pumbo Quimalungo city Uige Angola -6.39 15.47 3349 2235
Pumbogo city Sulawesi Selatan Indonesia -5.46 120.28 111 26596
Pumbolo city Sulawesi Tenggara Indonesia -3.67 121.04 318 4181
Pumbon city Nusa Tenggara Timur Indonesia -8.82 120.80 3 4587
Pumbu city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -9.63 21.99 3402 298
Pumbu city Katanga Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -2.28 22.93 1669 298
Pumbu city Katanga Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -2.22 22.48 1669 298
Pumbu city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -6.77 21.03 2070 3725
Pumbu-Kimalungu city Uige Angola -6.39 15.47 3349 2235
Pumbu-Panda city Kongo Central Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -4.56 14.10 1669 4321
Pumbubang city Sulawesi Barat Indonesia -3.44 119.04 1112 53575
Pumbule city Tabora Tanzania, United Rep. of -4.33 33.05 4189 6854
Pumbululu city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -5.51 21.55 2004 2235
Pumbunho city Tete Mozambique -16.76 34.52 262 1629
Pumbuntu city Sulawesi Selatan Indonesia -3.36 120.36 104 27027
Pumbur city Enga Papua New Guinea -5.78 143.48 8812 2831
Pumbure city Southern Highlands Papua New Guinea -6.34 143.52 5341 1937
Pumburea city Sulawesi Tenggara Indonesia -4.25 121.91 344 12249
Pumburel city Southern Highlands Papua New Guinea -6.34 143.52 5341 1937
Pumbuto city Manica Mozambique -19.00 33.75 1669 3785
Pumbuwae city Nusa Tenggara Timur Indonesia -8.86 121.35 49 6172
Pumbí city Narino Colombia 1.86 -78.35 111 1103
Pumbāli city Chhattisgarh India 19.30 80.49 830 2884

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