
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Polba city West Bengal India 22.96 88.30 36 92444
Polbain city Highland United Kingdom 58.03 -5.38 0 1
Polband city Khorasan-e Razavi Iran 34.89 60.57 3349 2235
Polbang city Gyeongbuk Korea, Republic of (South) 36.76 128.50 830 11068
Polbau city Gangwon Korea, Republic of (South) 37.16 128.34 974 16309
Polbawi city Gyeongbuk Korea, Republic of (South) 36.06 129.01 830 9600
Polbereg city Grodnenskaya Oblast' Belarus 53.72 25.93 830 298
Polberg city Gavleborg Sweden 61.35 16.58 311 630
Polbina city Ul'yanovskaya Oblast' Russia 54.20 47.88 830 1031
Polbindinakanda city Southern Sri Lanka 6.36 80.34 830 23449
Polbino city Moskovskaya Oblast' Russia 55.26 39.30 830 298
Polbino city Ul'yanovskaya Oblast' Russia 54.13 47.91 830 1043
Polbitz city Sachsen Germany 51.63 12.93 255 4203
Polbo city Southern Sierra Leone 7.51 -12.58 3 5863
Polbomi city Nord Cameroon 8.81 13.99 830 596
Polboxal city Campeche Mexico 18.55 -91.24 3 1043
Polboxal city Campeche Mexico 19.14 -90.52 203 1043
Polbroekstraat city Vlaanderen Belgium 50.92 3.87 232 39798
Polbusuk city Jawa Barat Indonesia -6.09 107.00 6 136726

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