
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Oessaare city Saaremaa Estonia 58.33 22.88 22 469
Oessang city Hwangnam Korea, Dem. Peoples Rep. of (North) 38.48 125.65 6 32955
Oessanggok city Chungbuk Korea, Republic of (South) 36.78 127.89 830 12218
Oesselghem city Vlaanderen Belgium 50.94 3.43 29 32383
Oesselse city Niedersachsen Germany 52.28 9.88 269 63506
Oessilo city Oecussi-Ambeno East Timor -9.37 124.35 1669 8766
Oessoeriejsk city Primorskiy Kray Russia 43.80 131.95 104 4917

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