
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Nyegba city Grand Gedeh Liberia 5.69 -7.70 830 447
Nyegba city Grand Gedeh Liberia 5.66 -7.66 830 447
Nyegba city Nasarawa Nigeria 8.19 7.23 951 3874
Nyege city Kavango West Namibia -17.80 18.53 3566 318
Nyegea city Fryslan Netherlands 53.14 6.03 3 25336
Nyegeza city Mubende Uganda 0.68 31.52 4189 6812
Nyegezi city Mwanza Tanzania, United Rep. of -2.60 32.88 4189 31681
Nyegga city Hedmark Norway 62.32 10.62 2582 203
Nyegina city Mara Tanzania, United Rep. of -1.53 33.73 4189 23547
Nyeglokeh city Grand Kru Liberia 4.58 -7.92 374 5066
Nyegog city Jawa Tengah Indonesia -7.15 108.80 987 60765
Nyegqeni city Eastern Cape South Africa -30.98 29.13 2024 6794
Nyegqili city Eastern Cape South Africa -31.03 29.09 2614 12248
Nyegreg city Jawa Barat Indonesia -7.24 108.37 931 96646
Nyegru city Bihor Romania 46.63 22.37 830 12053

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