
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Mowo city Queensland Australia -20.68 148.59 830 12
Mowo city Yunnan China 24.29 97.74 3349 7638
Mowo city Guizhou China 25.76 106.82 3494 47560
Mowo city Nigeria 7.25 4.25 830 7289
Mowo city Lagos Nigeria 6.62 3.61 160 39900
Mowo city Nigeria 6.45 2.97 118 13883
Mowo city Kilimanjaro Tanzania, United Rep. of -3.30 37.45 5127 38442
Mowo Oba city Nigeria 7.23 4.22 830 7588
Mowocun city Shanxi China 39.17 112.97 4189 9834
Mowoin city Southern Sierra Leone 7.54 -12.05 62 4303
Mowol-li city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.72 126.43 3 23541
Mowolakwelle city Gbarpolu Liberia 7.19 -10.15 830 149
Mowolowo city Nigeria 7.90 4.10 994 8847
Mowomba city Sulawesi Tengah Indonesia -1.45 121.07 396 3083
Mowondaia city Northern Sierra Leone 9.96 -11.48 1669 3281
Mowonema city Matabeleland North Zimbabwe -19.49 27.45 3379 1937
Mowongoni city Pemba South Tanzania, United Rep. of -5.43 39.68 0 26181
Moworte city Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan 34.59 72.98 6709 24117
Mowoto city Southern Sierra Leone 7.71 -12.00 167 3999

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