
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Mframa city Ghana 7.65 -0.72 830 1490
Mframanye city Ghana 6.41 -1.91 830 12879
Mframanyo city Ghana 6.41 -1.91 830 12879
Mfranta city Ghana 5.99 -0.53 830 19519
Mfranta city Ghana 5.90 -0.68 830 41640
Mfriga city Morogoro Tanzania, United Rep. of -8.88 35.85 1003 0
Mfrika city Njombe Tanzania, United Rep. of -9.28 35.32 5380 4619
Mfrkovo city Amurskaya Oblast' Russia 50.54 127.37 830 483

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