
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Mbe- (1),Mbea (8),Mbeb (13),Mbec (1),Mbed (10),Mbee (4),Mbef (4),Mbeg (12),Mbeh (5),Mbei (4),Mbej (2),Mbek (22),Mbel (87),Mbem (48),Mben (85),Mbeo (1),Mbep (2),Mber (41),Mbes (21),Mbet (35),Mbeu (13),Mbev (3),Mbew (13),Mbey (14),Mbez (10),Mbeï (4)
Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Mbe city Logone Oriental Chad 7.83 15.53 1669 1775
Mbe city Pool Congo -3.31 15.89 2037 298
Mbe city Plateaux Congo -2.81 15.53 2001 149
Mbe city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) 3.28 26.63 2086 298
Mbe city Equateur Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) 3.00 20.07 1669 7152
Mbe city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -2.78 16.46 1948 2831
Mbe city Nord-Ouest Cameroon 5.83 10.16 6059 16688
Mbe city West Cameroon 5.28 10.45 5242 25938
Mbe city Equatorial Guinea 2.12 10.73 1230 3107
Mbe city Equatorial Guinea 1.96 9.87 1955 1639
Mbe city Equatorial Guinea 1.81 10.42 1669 1043
Mbe city Equatorial Guinea 1.78 9.93 2073 1639
Mbe city Equatorial Guinea 1.71 11.00 1774 85
Mbe city Equatorial Guinea 1.46 10.53 2083 1043
Mbe city Equatorial Guinea 1.33 10.41 1981 1043
Mbe city Equatorial Guinea 1.21 9.83 1669 1639

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