
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Matek city Kandahar Afghanistan 31.34 67.29 6709 894
Matek city Gilan Iran 37.32 49.41 -1689 59449
Matek city Nitriansky Slovakia 48.90 17.80 1125 3761
Mateka city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) 2.64 23.60 1669 298
Mateka city Bungoma Kenya 0.54 34.50 4248 64848
Mateka city Lesotho -29.23 27.88 6709 4023
Mateka city Ruvuma Tanzania, United Rep. of -10.90 34.97 4189 6258
Matekale city Republika Srpska Bosnia & Herzegovina 44.37 17.20 2509 4409
Matekan Selatan city Jawa Timur Indonesia -7.80 113.46 360 123872
Matekan Tengah city Jawa Timur Indonesia -7.79 113.46 246 150197
Matekan Utara city Jawa Timur Indonesia -7.78 113.44 127 154207
Matekane Air Strip airport -29.93 27.85 0
Matekani city Katanga Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -10.97 24.47 4189 2384
Matekapore city Nusa Tenggara Timur Indonesia -9.58 119.08 830 26113
Matekas city Lesotho -29.23 27.88 6709 4023
Mateke city Kasai Oriental Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -4.88 24.42 1902 1192
Mateke city Punjab Pakistan 31.99 73.46 830 32811
Matekeh city Mazandaran Iran 36.50 52.56 13 43893
Matekenya Msachi city Malawi -11.72 33.64 5029 7345
Matekere city Northern Sierra Leone 8.91 -11.98 295 25953
Matekere city Northern Sierra Leone 8.77 -12.61 118 7013
Matekete city Northern Sierra Leone 8.70 -12.62 209 2192
Mateketen city Maluku Utara Indonesia 0.33 127.35 830 0
Matekhera city Chhattisgarh India 20.92 80.62 1164 18774
Matekinskiy city Rostovskaya Oblast' Russia 49.21 41.04 285 745
Matekko city Sulawesi Selatan Indonesia -4.83 120.35 3 12141
Matekko city Sulawesi Selatan Indonesia -4.99 120.30 0 10038
Matekko city Sulawesi Selatan Indonesia -4.62 120.32 127 39918
Mateko city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -4.15 19.09 1669 4492
Mateko city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -4.05 18.88 1669 4470
Mateko city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -3.99 18.97 1669 4470
Mateko city Eastern Cape South Africa -31.77 28.64 3349 13967
Matekolukolu city Soloman Islands -9.89 160.76 111 445
Matekpo city Togo 8.07 1.15 882 3874
Matekpokofe city Volta Ghana 6.10 1.03 196 34568
Matekre city Northern Sierra Leone 8.89 -12.13 177 6636
Mateku city Eastern Cape South Africa -31.31 29.72 1820 10838
Matekwe city Lindi Tanzania, United Rep. of -10.63 38.12 1669 0

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