
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Makufa city Manicaland Zimbabwe -19.26 31.81 2775 5215
Makufa city Masvingo Zimbabwe -19.67 31.71 3349 3576
Makufa city Masvingo Zimbabwe -19.93 31.57 3372 3852
Makufage city Mayo-Kebbi Est Chad 10.46 15.43 1010 5811
Makufu city Niger Nigeria 9.36 5.81 830 7301
Makufu city Niger Nigeria 9.18 5.64 830 7299
Makuful city Northern Sierra Leone 8.77 -11.77 830 4141
Makufuneti city Lusaka Zambia -15.93 28.92 1158 1538
Makufwa city Morogoro Tanzania, United Rep. of -8.93 35.50 3349 0

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