
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Makebe city Ogooue-Ivindo Gabon 0.07 13.63 1712 0
Makeberg city Vastra Gotaland Sweden 58.62 12.30 255 1301
Makebi city Far North Cameroon 10.13 14.51 1164 4367
Makebo city Jonkoping Sweden 57.82 14.52 948 1542
Makebokwa city Katanga Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -2.20 26.30 3349 1043
Makebon city Papua Barat Indonesia -0.75 131.54 0 485
Makebuko city Gitega Burundi -3.60 30.00 5997 43117
Makebé city Ogooue-Ivindo Gabon 1.30 14.10 1669 0

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