
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Majbal city Babil Iraq 32.55 44.38 68 68295
Majban city Hormozgan Iran 26.96 57.06 49 2086
Majbari city Rajshahi Bangladesh 24.76 89.54 52 146416
Majbaria city Khulna Bangladesh 23.83 88.97 42 121704
Majbe city Uttarakhand India 29.84 79.72 4189 27382
Majberk city Brandenburg Germany 51.85 14.32 190 11473
Majboali city Rangpur Bangladesh 25.93 88.60 111 79649
Majbol city Syddanmark Denmark 54.92 9.92 88 7844
Majbolgaard city Syddanmark Denmark 54.91 9.92 82 6252
Majbolgard city Syddanmark Denmark 54.91 9.92 82 6252
Majbolle city Sjaelland Denmark 54.83 11.73 9 2156
Majbolle city Sjaelland Denmark 54.76 11.13 13 2063
Majbur city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.54 74.35 4455 18117
Majbut Singh ka Pura city Madhya Pradesh India 26.21 78.63 830 19269
Majbøl city Syddanmark Denmark 54.92 9.92 88 7844
Majbølgaard city Syddanmark Denmark 54.91 9.92 82 6252
Majbølgård city Syddanmark Denmark 54.91 9.92 82 6252
Majbølle city Sjaelland Denmark 54.83 11.73 9 2156
Majbølle city Sjaelland Denmark 54.76 11.13 13 2063

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