
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Mabutal city Cagayan Philippines 18.38 121.51 72 16817
Mabutang city Anhui China 31.24 118.63 16 46190
Mabutang city Guizhou China 28.77 107.94 3540 15347
Mabute city Nord-Kivu Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -1.16 27.44 1998 1192
Mabutease city Bobonaro East Timor -8.91 125.24 2509 5317
Mabuti city Northern Sierra Leone 9.20 -12.21 246 5660
Mabutian city Hunan China 26.95 111.14 1013 49766
Mabuto city Inhambane Mozambique -22.55 35.26 226 2086
Mabuto city Manica Mozambique -20.04 33.00 1246 3322
Mabuto city Manica Mozambique -19.42 33.17 1870 2272
Mabuto city Niger Nigeria 10.68 5.75 1151 3874
Mabuto city Western Zambia -14.53 23.13 3389 447
Mabutou city Fujian China 27.53 118.05 830 10825
Mabutsane city Southern Botswana -24.39 23.57 3618 447
Mabutswe city South East Botswana -24.70 25.99 4189 21390
Mabuttal city Cagayan Philippines 18.38 121.51 72 16817
Mabuttal East city Cagayan Philippines 18.38 121.51 72 16817
Mabuttal West city Cagayan Philippines 18.38 121.51 82 16817
Mabutu city Maputo Mozambique -25.97 32.59 209 260638
Mabutu city Northern Sierra Leone 8.40 -11.96 177 5022
Mabutuo city Chongqing China 28.68 108.48 2509 14937
Mabutweni city Bulawayo Zimbabwe -20.14 28.53 4419 685920

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