
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Lawā city Uttar Pradesh India 25.69 83.62 200 97306
Lawābār city Bihar India 24.42 84.57 830 59994
Lawācha city Rajasthan India 26.02 74.06 1118 22648
Lawāda city Maharashtra India 21.48 79.49 1236 22255
Lawāda city Maharashtra India 21.53 77.02 1164 14660
Lawāda city Maharashtra India 21.40 77.34 3349 4768
Lawāfil city Kirkuk Iraq 35.31 44.19 830 12021
Lawāhi Khurd city Jharkhand India 24.10 83.60 866 40925
Lawāin city Uttar Pradesh India 25.99 82.61 262 99577
Lawājan city Jammu and Kashmir India 34.62 74.14 10088 12188
Lawākhāri city Madhya Pradesh India 22.96 77.33 1669 13851
Lawān city Haryana India 28.94 77.07 830 177418
Lawāna city Uttar Pradesh India 25.91 81.45 321 93548
Lawāna city Haryana India 30.25 77.14 843 54503
Lawāna city Himachal Pradesh India 31.00 77.37 5869 13859
Lawānch city Rajasthan India 26.34 76.70 869 23156
Lawāni city Haryana India 30.27 77.14 839 53721
Lawānitol city Bihar India 26.28 86.35 193 108518
Lawānkh city Punjab Pakistan 32.24 75.27 843 56316
Lawānrai city Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan 34.70 72.68 3349 19420
Lawār city Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan 35.69 71.81 9347 2682
Lawār Kili city Federally Administered Tribal Areas Pakistan 33.93 70.94 4212 12963
Lawāra city Uttarakhand India 29.88 78.75 3457 15672
Lawāri Kalān city Uttar Pradesh India 24.89 83.22 889 32474
Lawāri Khurd city Uttar Pradesh India 24.90 83.22 849 32468
Lawāria Muwara city Gujarat India 23.07 73.35 272 38176
Lawārzai city Balochistan Pakistan 28.96 66.35 6066 2682
Lawāsākar city Jharkhand India 24.09 84.61 1141 14998
Lawāt Bāla city Pakistan 34.71 73.96 6709 6407
Lawāt Nāla city Pakistan 34.70 73.95 7549 6407
Lawātah city Libya 32.56 14.01 830 22998
Lawātara city Chhattisgarh India 21.59 81.51 895 21637

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