
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Kwel city Indonesia -7.73 140.90 118 1077
Kwel city Western Bahr el Ghazal South Sudan 8.16 28.03 1669 6258
Kwel city Warrap South Sudan 8.44 28.60 1669 6258
Kwel city Warrap South Sudan 8.99 27.86 1669 6056
Kwel city Warrap South Sudan 8.86 28.17 1669 6258
Kwel city Warrap South Sudan 8.67 28.28 1669 6258
Kwel city Warrap South Sudan 8.73 28.29 1669 6258
Kwel city Warrap South Sudan 8.44 28.44 1669 3283
Kwele city Ayeyawady Burma 16.61 94.93 42 25181
Kwele city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) 3.07 23.34 1669 298
Kwelega city Eastern Cape South Africa -32.91 28.07 0 3201
Kwelega city Eastern Cape South Africa -32.85 28.01 209 7150
Kwelegha city Eastern Cape South Africa -32.91 28.07 0 3201
Kwelegha city Eastern Cape South Africa -32.85 28.01 209 7150
Kwelejan city Ghana 10.73 -1.85 997 1490
Kweleka city Western Zambia -14.93 23.22 3349 2384
Kwelekwele city Katanga Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) 1.35 24.17 1669 1043
Kwelera city Eastern Cape South Africa -32.80 27.97 830 10554
Kwelera city Eastern Cape South Africa -32.91 28.07 0 3201
Kwelera city Eastern Cape South Africa -32.85 28.01 209 7150
Kwelerana city Eastern Cape South Africa -32.78 27.32 2509 11537
Kwelesha city Eastern Cape South Africa -31.82 28.06 3349 6789
Kweleyat city Sagaing Burma 21.93 95.58 196 19452
Kweli city Western Zambia -15.30 22.83 3349 1044
Kweli Town city Sinoe Liberia 5.63 -8.49 977 1111
Kwelikwiji city Morogoro Tanzania, United Rep. of -6.10 37.57 1889 3725
Kwelkan city Western Australia Australia -31.14 118.00 1017 0
Kwell city Lakes South Sudan 7.00 29.79 1669 1788
Kwelnumba city Tanga Tanzania, United Rep. of -4.77 38.17 1669 5215
Kwelo city Eastern Sierra Leone 8.82 -11.05 1669 6216
Kwelo city Eastern Sierra Leone 8.78 -11.01 1213 16737
Kwelo city Eastern Sierra Leone 8.65 -10.95 1669 27014
Kwelon city Kachin State Burma 24.30 97.25 331 110711
Kwelu city Eastern Sierra Leone 8.40 -10.84 944 4263
Kwelu city Southern Sierra Leone 8.22 -12.34 131 5193
Kwelu city Eastern Sierra Leone 8.18 -10.78 830 9396
Kwelu city Southern Sierra Leone 7.95 -11.54 314 8563
Kwelu city Eastern Sierra Leone 8.17 -11.35 830 12066
Kwelu city Southern Sierra Leone 7.44 -11.78 291 6192
Kwelu city Southern Sierra Leone 8.24 -12.63 78 9313
Kwelu Bullima city Eastern Sierra Leone 8.41 -10.84 928 4306
Kwelu-Gieya city Eastern Sierra Leone 8.40 -10.84 944 4263
Kweluaing city Yangon Burma 16.55 96.14 16 18020

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