
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Kwek Makur city Lakes South Sudan 6.67 29.85 1669 1788
Kwek Toich city Lakes South Sudan 6.18 30.24 1669 2086
Kwekambo city Equateur Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) 4.27 21.34 1669 402
Kwekanga city Tanga Tanzania, United Rep. of -4.65 38.38 5370 16241
Kwekarit city Kayin State Burma 15.38 98.58 2089 651
Kwekaw city Eastern Sierra Leone 8.35 -10.33 1669 9648
Kwekisa city Western Zambia -14.88 23.18 3421 2384
Kwekivu city Tanga Tanzania, United Rep. of -5.77 37.40 2509 0
Kweko city Eastern Sierra Leone 8.33 -10.48 1079 9157
Kwekon city Shan State Burma 22.82 97.03 2509 4917
Kwekongo city Tanga Tanzania, United Rep. of -4.65 38.38 5370 16241
Kwekoro city Equateur Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) 2.60 20.37 1669 3427
Kwekrom city Ghana 5.42 -0.56 242 17854
Kweku Adaikrom city Ghana 6.98 -1.52 990 18774
Kwekuanya city Ghana 6.99 -2.98 830 7733
Kwekudompokrom city Ghana 5.98 -1.57 351 20296
Kwekukrom city Ghana 5.59 -2.06 242 7317
Kwekunfikrom city Ghana 6.72 -1.02 1669 9842
Kwekuni city Ghana 6.98 -1.17 915 4321
Kwekuntikrom city Ghana 6.72 -1.02 1669 9842
Kwekuponkrom city Ghana 5.75 -1.68 830 11762
Kwekwe city Midlands Zimbabwe -18.93 29.81 4189 47791
Kwekwe Airport airport -18.93 29.84 4000 0
Kwekwendangu city Morobe Papua New Guinea -6.49 147.54 3349 1490
Kwekwere city Nigeria 8.25 6.93 830 7147
Kwekweri city Kaduna Nigeria 9.60 7.39 1804 5500
Kwekwestad city Overijssel Netherlands 52.26 6.71 49 39298

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