
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Kwebe city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -4.32 18.89 1669 7152
Kwebona city Kusini Unguja Tanzania, United Rep. of -6.28 39.38 3 12517
Kwebumba city Tanga Tanzania, United Rep. of -4.77 38.17 1669 5215
Kwebumba city Tanga Tanzania, United Rep. of -4.63 38.17 4524 5888
Kwebwewe city Tanga Tanzania, United Rep. of -5.18 38.78 921 8940
Kwebya city Bago Burma 18.32 96.52 59 11540
Kwebyok city Mandalay Burma 21.02 95.06 1230 22946
Kwebyu city Bago Burma 17.31 96.33 98 11147

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