
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Kutibaba Sadhandas city Uttar Pradesh India 26.49 81.41 357 88903
Kutibadi city Odisha India 19.94 83.84 2001 8642
Kutibadi city Odisha India 19.52 83.99 830 10184
Kutibari city Rangpur Bangladesh 25.18 89.45 55 128706
Kutibast city Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan 35.23 71.89 5869 25330
Kutibiwa city Western Zambia -14.95 23.00 3359 1511
Kutibraer city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.70 74.98 5869 53386
Kutibrar city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.70 74.98 5869 53386
Kutibāba Bakhtāwardās city Uttar Pradesh India 26.50 81.43 370 84842
Kutibāri city Khulna Bangladesh 23.26 88.81 19 102842
Kutibāri city Rajshahi Bangladesh 25.13 89.38 65 126886

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