
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Kumah Khal city Slemani Iraq 34.94 45.22 2509 5960
Kumah Khul city Slemani Iraq 34.94 45.22 2509 5960
Kumah Kru city Arbil Iraq 35.98 44.12 1669 2235
Kumah Razid city Slemani Iraq 35.40 45.18 2631 5811
Kumah Sang city Diyala Iraq 33.79 45.56 830 2244
Kumah Shin city Arbil Iraq 35.67 43.53 830 2235
Kumahayiri city Ghana 9.45 -1.15 830 6705
Kumahgaon city Madhya Pradesh India 22.74 76.86 1227 17013
Kumahrla city Uttar Pradesh India 28.90 78.61 830 31983
Kumahtah Karj city Slemani Iraq 35.54 45.15 2726 62592
Kumahu city Bihar India 24.97 83.97 265 84447
Kumahu city Liquica East Timor -8.61 125.37 1879 5951
Kumahumbe city Mara Tanzania, United Rep. of -1.65 34.10 4202 10877
Kumahumbo city Mara Tanzania, United Rep. of -1.65 34.10 4202 10877

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