
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Koler city Norrbotten Sweden 65.50 20.45 961 149
Koler city Norrbotten Sweden 65.50 20.50 925 149
Koleram city Zinder Niger 13.71 9.09 1669 2260
Kolere city Nord Cameroon 8.98 13.12 846 5215
Kolere city Yobe Nigeria 11.88 11.28 1669 3169
Kolere city Adamawa Nigeria 8.83 12.17 1092 9409
Kolere city Taraba Nigeria 8.79 11.64 2509 8223
Kolere city Adamawa Nigeria 9.10 12.22 830 5987
Kolero city Morogoro Tanzania, United Rep. of -7.25 37.80 1847 3725
Kolerska Maala city Rankovce Macedonia 42.22 22.19 2631 1499
Kolerträsk city Norrbotten Sweden 65.50 20.45 961 149
Koleru city Boucle du Mouhoun Burkina Faso 12.99 -3.77 830 2744
Kolerud city Varmland Sweden 59.08 14.25 370 472

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