
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Kisir city Kastamonu Turkey 41.03 33.97 4189 6142
Kisir city Aydin Turkey 37.62 27.54 72 5652
Kisir city Kayseri Turkey 38.32 35.97 5170 2086
Kisira city Kebbi Nigeria 11.44 4.68 830 8328
Kisiratos city Arad Romania 46.35 21.23 344 4629
Kisirgom city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.94 74.90 5265 94846
Kisiriri city Singida Tanzania, United Rep. of -4.20 34.43 5298 5215
Kisirkaya Koyu city Istanbul Turkey 41.25 28.98 180 110588
Kisirlar city Mugla Turkey 37.12 27.74 931 2682
Kisiro city Namutumba Uganda 0.72 33.82 3438 19570
Kisirtimi city Adamawa Nigeria 10.07 12.63 2509 7003
Kisirtáspuszta city Pest Hungary 47.92 18.88 1669 2147
Kisiru city Sud-Kivu Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -3.44 28.55 5869 4321

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