
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Kepka city Pomorskie Poland 54.22 16.90 203 2682
Kepka Wysznia city Slaskie Poland 49.72 18.87 2509 13965
Kepka Wyzna city Slaskie Poland 49.72 18.87 2509 13965
Kepkaleh city Hamadan Iran 34.11 48.94 6742 5485
Kepkensberg city Vlaanderen Belgium 51.08 5.12 75 33361
Kepkep city Federated States of Micronesia United States 6.87 158.16 830
Kepki city Poland 54.19 19.30 52 4336
Kepkut city Badakhshan Afghanistan 36.97 72.89 10478 147

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