
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Kasota city Katanga Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -11.53 27.35 4219 1369
Kasota city Minnesota United States 44.29 -93.96 872
Kasote city Rukwa Tanzania, United Rep. of -8.42 31.25 3576 4768
Kasote city Kavango East Namibia -17.90 19.70 3484 6716
Kasote city Eastern Zambia -12.57 33.02 4189 2075
Kasotengah city Jawa Tengah Indonesia -7.03 109.69 830 92344
Kasoti city Rukwa Tanzania, United Rep. of -8.42 31.25 3576 4768
Kasoti Phiri city Malawi -11.87 33.53 5029 19572
Kasotā city Madhya Pradesh India 22.73 80.55 1669 15794

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